Jan 29, 2012

recipe: Healthy Shrimp Fajitas

[This recipe is from one of my FAVORITE blogger recipe sites, undressedskeleton.]

Healthy Shrimp Fajitas!

Calories: 225, Fat 3.2, Carbs 27g, Protein 21g 

2 Servings
  • Low Sodium Fajita Seasoning
  • 6 oz Cooked Shrimp
  • 1/2 Red Pepper
  • 1/2 Green Pepper
  • 1/2 Yellow Pepper
  • 1/3 Orange Pepper
  • 1 Cup Broccoli
  • Original Cooking Spray
  • 2 Cups Fresh Spinach
  • 100 calorie whole grain tortillas. 
  1. Remove the tails on the shrimp. 
  2. In a bowl add the shrimp, 2 cups of water, and 2 tbsp of fajita seasoning. Let it marinate for two hours or all day. (I put mine in the marinate in the morning)
  3. Cut the peppers into strips and add to a skillet on medium heat with broccoli and shrimp.
  4. Cook until vegetables are lightly brown or soft. Add 3 tsps of fajita seasoning
  5. Lay tortilla flat on a plate with a cup of spinach on top
  6. Add 1/2 of the fajita mix on top
  7. Roll into a burrito form and cut. 

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